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Posts published in “Useful Phrases”

How Are You?

“How are you?” — What does it mean when you first see someone you know and say, “How are you?” Is it a greeting, like…

Saying Goodbye

Indonesians do not say ‘good bye’ as much as the English speakers do. The literal translation of ‘Good bye’ isSelamat jalan – to those who are…


Indonesians are known for their hospitality and kindness. Any attempt to converse with them in Bahasa Indonesia will make them smile. It is the best…

Getting Around

Phrases Meaning taxi taxi berapa? how much? Di mana supermarket? Where is supermarket? Di mana saya bisa sewa mobil? Where can I rent a car?…

Eating Out

Indonesians love to dine out and there is hardly any street where there is not a food outlet. The simplest eateries are called warung. These…


Indonesian Phrases Meaning Hotel mana yang paling bagus? Which one is the best hotel? Hotel apa yang paling mahal? Which hotel is the most expensive…


Indonesian Phrases Meaning Belanja yuk! Let’s go shopping Berapa harganya? How much is this one? Cuma lihat-lihat Just browsing around Bisa lihat yang ini? Can…

Meeting People

Indonesian are quite inquisitive. When we meet people they often want to know more about you by asking a lot of personal questions. If you…

Reading Signs

Indonesian Phrases Meaning Buka Open Tutup Closed Dorong Push Tarik Pull Masuk Enter Keluar Exit Pintu Darurat Emergency Exit WC/Toilet Toilet Kamar Mandi Bathroom Pria…


manis – sweetasin – saltyasam – sourpedas – refers to the hotness of chillipanas – hotdingin – cold Contoh (Example):Makanan ini rasanya enak.This food taste…


These are the six main colours in Indonesian:hitam (black),merah (red),hijau (green),biru (blue),putih (white) andkuning (yellow). Mobil merahRed car Apa warna mobil Anda? What colour is…

Telling the Time

Jam is not exactly the same as the English “o’clock”. “O’clock” is only used in English to mark the hours and not the divisions of…

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