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Saying Goodbye

Last updated on May 8, 2022

Indonesians do not say ‘good bye’ as much as the English speakers do.

The literal translation of ‘Good bye’ is
Selamat jalan – to those who are leaving
Selamat tinggal – to those who are left behind (staying).

Literary ‘Selamat jalan’ means ‘Happy going’ and ‘Selamat tinggal’ means ‘ Happy staying’. Thus, these expressions are only used in the occasion of ‘actual partings’.

In everyday situation the Indonesians use the following expressions for parting.

Sampai jumpa
Until we meet again

Sampai bertemu lagi
Until we meet again

Sampai nanti
Until later

Sampai lain kali
Until next time

Sampai besok.
Until tomorrow

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