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Posts published in “Preposition”


Common Complex, including a prefix Functions as verbs, as indicated in parentheses Consist of two words The forms ‘kepada'(to) and ‘daripada'(than, of) consist of two…


‘Oleh‘ marks the agent of a passive verb and the agent attribute in a noun phrase. It can sometimes follow an intransitive verb. It can…


‘Terhadap‘ illustrates the variety of correspondences which might occur. sangsi terhadap orang yang melanggar kebiasaan sanctions against people who violate custom sikapnya terhadap tamu-tamunya his…


A few words are followed by ‘atas’.


Another common Indonesian preposition is ‘dengan’.

Pada, Kepada, Untuk

Kepada  These prepositions relate more to a person. ‘Kepada‘ is used for the verbs that need the particle ‘to‘. But in spoken/informal Indonesian, people may…

Sini, Sana, Situ

Locative pronouns sini (here – near speaker), sana (there – far off) and situ (there – not far off) indicate position in relation to the speaker. The combination of the three…

Locative preposition

The locative prepositions doesn’t convey any further detail on how the object is being placed, whether it’s in front, inside, etc. To put additional detail,…

Di, Ke, Dari

Locative prepositions indicates position and direction. di, dari, ke Dia tinggal di kota.Dia lahir di tahun 1995.Dia datang pada jam tiga.Saya tertarik pada pelajaran itu.Dia…


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