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Posts published in “suffix”

The optional suffix -kan

In some cases, the affixation process of suffix ‘-kan’ then prefix ‘me-‘ can mean the same as those without the suffix -kan. The suffix does not lend any additional meaning to these verbs,…

Suffix -lah

This suffix -lah is often used to give emphasis, to soften a command or to add politeness to an expression. It is added to verb…

Suffix -kah

The particles -kah can also serve as suffix. The suffix -kah indicates that the expression is a question. It is added to the word in the sentence that is…

Suffix -kan vs -i

The suffixes -kan and -i are used to further specify the relationship between the subject and the object in a sentence. Therefore, the verbs become…

To indicate different things

Reduplication of noun plus suffix -an can be used to indicate different things. To indicate a variety of what is indicated by the base you add…

To express ‘a lot’

English uses “millions” or “hundreds” as shorthand for saying the exact number when something is “a lot.” In Indonesian suffix -an is used to express that. The…

To form a noun from an adjective

When suffix -an is attached to an adjective, it forms a noun. Adjective Base Meaning Noun Meaning asin salty asinan pickle, salted vegetables kotor dirty…

To modify another noun

The -an suffix can also be used in a noun phrase to modify another noun. Noun Base Meaning Noun + an Meaning darat land daratan…

To indicate instruments

The -an suffix on some nouns can indicate instruments. root word meaning meaning timbang to weigh timbangan scale salur to channel saluran sembilan channel nine…

Action of the verb

The followings are action nouns that describe the action of the verb and can occur as head of a phrase containing prepositions such as terhadap. Root Word suffix…

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