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Posts published by “Bahasa Kita”

BahasaKita is an Indonesian language online resource. A practical Indonesian language learning site which teaches the difference between daily spoken Indonesian and the formal language learned at schools or courses. Anyone can learn Indonesian from here.


Jahil Meaning: to bug, to tease, naughty, not serious Synonym: iseng Application: jahil, jail(letter ‘h’ is eliminated) Dia suka jail sama orang. Kalo lagi jail…


Ikan Meaning: Fish Application: The word ‘ikan’ is used to describe fish in general. The word that follows describes the kind of fish. Ikan paus…


Habis Meaning: after, end, so, finished, finish, sold out, give out, wear out Synonym: selesai(only apply to certain situation) Application: habis, habis-habisan, kehabisan, menghabiskan, dihabiskan,…


Gampang Meaning: Informal word for easy, simple Synonym : mudah(formal) Application: gampang, gampangan, menggampangkan, gampang-gampang susah ‘Menggampangkan’ has similar meaning with ‘memudahkan’ which is to…


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Édan Meaning: crazy, mad, wacky Synonym: gila, miring, gélo Elu* Meaning: you, yours, your Synonym: kamu, lu Application: Like gue/gua, elu/lu is tipically associated with…


Acara Meaning: program, agenda, eventApplication: acara Apa acara kamu nanti malam?Apa acara TV malam ini?Tiap hari dia selalu banyak acara.Tiap tahun perusahaan saya selalu bikin…


A simple word consists solely of a root word, which can not be broken down into smaller units. A root word carries the essential meaning…


Canggung Meaning: self-conscious, awkward Synonym: kikuk, kagok Application: canggung, kecanggungan Waktu pertama kali ketemu calon mertua rasanya canggung juga. Canggung rasanya waktu pertama kali naik…


Baik Meaning: good, fine, well, nice, swell, kind Synonym: Bagus. ‘Baik’ is used more for the character, ‘Bagus’ is the expression for the appearance. ‘Bagus’…

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