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Health Insurance: Asuransi Kesehatan

Last updated on March 31, 2022

Insurance terms in Indonesian language can be confusing. Health means kesehatan, the noun form for sehat (being healthy). Insurance can be translated into jaminan or asuransi. Therefore health insurance is asuransi kesehatan or jaminan kesehatan.

Health Insurance or Asuransi Kesehatan in Indonesia

In January 2014, the Indonesian government launched Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), or national health insurance, a scheme to implement universal health care in Indonesia. However, foreigners are not covered under this Indonesian universal healthcare scheme. The standard of public healthcare in Indonesia is variable at best. Not all hospitals cooperate with all insurance companies. However, without an insurance policy, the hospital bills may reach unbearable levels. Therefore having comprehensive medical insurance is essential for expats moving to Indonesia.

Insurance Terms in Indonesian

accident insuranceasuransi kecelakaan
blanket policyasuransi seluruh harta
credit insuranceasuransi kredit
damage insuranceasuransi kerugian
fire insuranceasuransi kebakaran
group insuranceasuransi kelompok
health insuranceasuransi kesehatan
insured goodsbarang yang diasuransikan
life insuranceasuransi jiwa
marine insuranceasuransi laut
molest insuranceasuransi moles
mutual insurance companyasuransi mutual
under insuranceasuransikan kurang dari nilainya
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