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Indigenous Indonesian Dress

Last updated on January 1, 2019

Indigenous dress (in Indonesian often called pakaian adat, especially when it is being worn in a formal or ceremonial context) is still the normal style of everyday dress in many parts of the country. This is especially the case in remote areas, in the countryside, and among women and older people.

Pakaian adat varies a lot from region to region, but there are some terms that are used pretty generally right across the country (although the precise style of the garment referred to will vary).

The term sarung is usually used for the skirt-like garment that is sewn down its length into cylindrical form.

Kain is used for a length of cloth that is not sewn into a cylinder, but wrapped around the body and tucked or tied in place.

Kain and sarung can be worn by men and women, though most often it is men who wear a sarung and women who wear a kain.


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