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Letter K

Last updated on December 8, 2021

Like the English plosive consonants /t/ and /p/, the sound /k/ in English is usually heavily aspirated. You can hear the puff of air that accompanies the /k/ sound if you say the words “Coca Cola”.

But in Indonesian the /k/ sound is not aspirated. In this respect the Indonesian /k/ is somewhat like the /k/ in the English words “scam” and “Scott”. Moreover, the Indonesian /k/ tends to be articulated further back in the throat than the English /k/.

Taking care to suppress aspiration in the /k/ sound, pronounce these words.

/k/ in an initial position

kosong,  kurang, kelas,  kira-kira, kawin,  kamar, kebun

/k/ in a medial position

ikut,  laki-laki, sekolah, sekali

Now, practise suppressing the aspiration for /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds in these words.

kelapa,  kantor, kotor,  taksi, kota,  pintu, kamar, tidur,  atap

/k/ at the end of the words

anak, duduk, masuk

The letter “k” in these cases does not usually stand for a /k/ sound like the /k/ you have been practising above. The letter “k” at the end of a word usually stands for a glottal stop.

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