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me- + Expletive

Last updated on January 16, 2024

Please note that the term expletive in this case doesn’t mean swear words, but rather the words that mimic sounds. For example: “Moo”, “Baa”, “Quack”, etc.

When expletives are combined with me-, it indicates that the subject produces the indicated sound.

  • aum (tiger roar) → mengaum (to roar like tigers)
  • lenguh (moo) → melenguh (to moo like cows)
  • erang (groan) → mengerang (to groan – in pain)
Animal Sounds Root Word
Anjing menggonggong gonggong
Ayam berkotek/berkokok kotek
Anak ayam menciap ciap
Ayam jantan berkokok kokok
Babi menguik kuik
Bebek meleter leter
Burung berkicau kicau
Burung tekukur berkukur kukur
Kambing mengembik embik
Katak menguak kuak
Kucing mengeong eong
Kuda meringkik ringkik
Macan mengaum aum
Merpati berdekut dekut
Sapi melenguh lenguh
Serigala melolong lolong
Tikus mencicit cicit
Compare the animal sounds in English:
cats wants something meow
cats enjoy some petting purr
Unhappy cats yowl/hiss
dogs bark/howl
angry dogs growl
scared dogs whimper
small dogs yip and yap
horses neigh
goats and sheep bleat
pigs oink/squeal/grunt
cows moo/lowing
female chickens cluck
chicks cheep
roosters crow
birds chirp, trill, warble, tweet
owl hoot, screach
ducks quack
geese honk
turkeys goble
mosquitoes buzz
crickets chirp
frogs croak
lion roar
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