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ber- + Noun

Last updated on January 16, 2024

Prefix ber- can be combined with a noun:

Ber + Noun is ‘to have’

The general meaning of prefix ber- is “to have” the thing represented by the noun.

  • nama (name) > ber- + nama > bernama (to have the name/to be called)
RootIn SentenceMeaning
namaAyah saya bernama Didi.My father’s name is Didi.
ubanRambut ibu saya sudah beruban.My mother’s hair has grays.
debuMejanya berdebu.His desk is dusty(literally ‘have dust’).
kulitDia berkulit putihShe has fair skin.

Ber + Noun is ‘to use, to wear, to travel by’

  • kuda (horse) > ber- + kuda > berkuda (to travel by horse)
RootIn SentenceMeaning
kudaAyah saya berkuda setiap hari Minggu.My father rides a horse every Sunday.
topiLihatlah orang yang bertopi itu.Look at that person who wears a hat.
mobilDia selalu bermobil ke kantorHe always go to the office by car.

Ber + Noun is ‘produce’

RootIn SentenceMeaning
keringatCuaca panas membuat saya berkeringat.The hot weather makes me sweating.
telurAyam-ayam kami sudah bertelur.Our hens have laid eggs.
bunyiPintu rumah kami selalu berbunyi kalau dibuka.Our house door always make a sound every time we open it.

Ber + Noun is ‘reciprocal’

It indicates two people stand in the same relationship to each other as specified by the base.

RootIn SentenceMeaning
tetanggaAli dan Tomo bertetangga Didi.Ali dan Tomo are neighbors.
temanSaya dan Susi sudah berteman lama.Susi and I have been friends for long.
tunanganToni dan Nina bertunangan kemarin.Toni and Nina got engaged (to each other) yesterday.
sainganDia dan kakaknya selalu bersaing.He and his older brother always compete with each other.

Ber + Noun becomes verb, refers to work

The work is regularly performed or done for a living.


When prefix ber- is added to the root word ternak (farm animal), the ‘r’ is dropped. This is an exception.

RootIn SentenceMeaning
ternakPak Tomo hidup dari beternak*.Tomo earns his living by engaging in animal farming.
dagangDia berdagang setiap hari.He engages in trade everyday.
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