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Article: Si and Sang

The article si and sang have no equivalent in English.

We use sang for presidents, princes, kings, and so on. As for si, it is used as respectful titles to describe the third person singular number.

It is also quite often in fairy tales or stories to refer to “the hunter”, “the ruler” or “the adventurer.” They are written separately from the word that follows them.

For examples:

Toko itu memberikan hadiah kepada si pembeli.The shop gives gifts to the buyer.
Ibu itu menghadiahi sang suami kemeja batik.The mother gave the husband a batik shirt.
Sang adik mematuhi nasihat sang kakak.The younger brother obeyed the brother’s advice.
Harimau itu marah sekali kepada sang Kancil.The tiger was very angry with the mouse deer.
Dalam cerita itu si Buta berhasil menolong kekasihnya.In the story, the Blind man succeeded in helping his lover.

Notes: The first letter of the word ‘sang’ is written in capital letter is ‘sang‘ is an element of God’s name.

For examples:

Pura dibangun oleh umat Hindu untuk memuja Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
Temples were built by Hindus to worship Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
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