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ber- + -an : Reciprocality

When the suffix -an is attached to a ber- verb simultaneously, the verb forms intransitive verbs. It can indicate reciprocality.

It means the verbs indicate mutual action or relationship between two or more people, animals or inanimate objects (for example, vehicles).

Root WordMeaningber-anMeaning
kenalto meet, to introduceberkenalanto introduce oneself to another
pandang*to gaze, to lookberpandanganto look at each other
kejarchase, pursueberkejaranto race each other
jatuhfallberjatuhandrop everywhere
desakpushberdesakanjostle one another

*Berpandangan can also mean have a certain view on something. In this case the verb becomes transitive-verb.

For example:

  • Pemimpin yang berpandangan luas akan lebih bijaksana.
  • Leaders who are broad-minded are wiser.
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